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  2. 山大生のサイクリング旅日記
  3. No.7 Cycling in Iwakuni City ~Mixed cycling of nature and history~

Cycling Trip Diary for Travelers山大生のサイクリング旅日記

No.7 Cycling in Iwakuni City ~Mixed cycling of nature and history~


Shooting date: 2022/10/29 (Sat) ※Some photos 2022/11/25(Fri)  
Author: Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Global and Science Studies students

Hello! We are students at the Faculty of Global Science and Studies at Yamaguchi University.
We are cooperating with the Sports Field Yamaguchi Promotion Council to spread the attractions of Yamaguchi Prefecture to foreigners.
As part of this project, we are uploading videos of cycling in various areas of Yamaguchi Prefecture, and the web articles will include detailed useful information that we could not provide in the videos.

The video is here↓

This time we went cycling in Iwakuni City.
Iwakuni City is located in the easternmost part of Yamaguchi Prefecture.There are many historical buildings representing Japan, such as Iwakuni Castle towering at an elevation of about 200 meters and Kintaikyo bridge which is a famous wooden bridge. This place is also blessed with beautiful nature, such as the sea that spreads out as far as the eye can see and the clear blue Nishikigawa river.

This cycling tour starts from Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport.
Click here for access to Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport ↓

The foreigner who accompanied us on this day’s cycling trip was Nick. He is from Germany and an international student at Yamaguchi University who came to Japan in September 2022. He has cycling experience in Germany and loves sports!
It’s been a long time since he has challenged a long distance, so he was really looking forward to cycling this time.

Click here for the cycle route, time schedule and course data for this time↓

Cycle route Google map

Course date

Temperature 20°C
Mileage 58.21km
Elevation gain 481m
Travel time 2:45:00
Average speed 20.7km/h

Ⓐ Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport [Departure time 9:45 A.M. Start]

Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport has round-trip flights to Tokyo (Haneda) and Okinawa (Naha). Not only that, but there are direct buses to JR Iwakuni Station and highway buses to Hiroshima Prefecture, making it an excellent location for access.

There is also a cycle pit at the entrance of Kintaikyo Airport. Please use it when you maintain the bicycle or assemble the bicycle you brought.

Let’s head to our first destination, Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park!

When we went through the city, we saw the sea on our left.
The road to Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park has a lot of traffic on weekdays and holidays, so please drive carefully.
Cycling in the gentle sea breeze while watching the Seto Inland Sea glistening in the sunlight was very exhilarating. (The Seto Inland Sea is the sea between Honshu and Shikoku.)

Ⓑ Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park [Arrival time 10:45 A.M. Distance 17.5 km]

After running along the coast for about 40 minutes, we arrived at Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park! The sandy beach has a total length of 450 m and is a popular tourist destination for swimming from mid-July to mid-August.
Nick said, “Compared to Germany’s sandy beaches, Japanese sandy beaches are very white and beautiful. I want to visit this beach at the end of summer!”

Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park is designated as a cycle aid, and there is a cycle rack, vending machines, and restaurants. Therefore, it can also be used as a resting place for cyclists.

It was cool and pleasant when the sea breeze hit my body and warmed up by cycling. Gentle waves make time feel slow and we can relax.
In fact, when you look at the sea from above, the shallow part of the coast is emerald green, and the deep part is navy blue.
This gradation created by white sandy beach and the sea makes you feel the greatness of nature.

Name of facility Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park
Usage fee Free
(Coin lockers and showers are charged)
Business hours 6:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Inquiry 0827-62-0155
Official HP https://shiokaze-kouen.net/english-page

It was hard to leave, but we left the sea for our next destination.
Once we enter the inland area, there is beautiful nature that attracts cyclists and slopes that make our hearts beat faster, which is the highlight of this cycling tour!
This road is easy to cycle because there are less cars and pedestrians than the previous roads.

First, we can see the creek.
Looking at the scenery along the river, Nick said, “This is a place where there are not many modern things such as trains and cars, and it feels like time is passing slowly, and it feels very free.”

Next, there is a slope with an elevation of 221m. This incline isn’t too big for cyclists, but it’s a 7km uphill that will test your endurance. The exhilarating feeling of running downhill against the wind blew away the pain of going uphill and made us feel even more accomplished.
Nick seemed to have a hard time climbing, but he was smiling when he reached the top. He said “It was hard going up the hill, but it was really fun to feel the wind when going down!”

By the way, when we went down the slope, we could see the rice fields spread out as far as we could see. It’s a familiar view to us, but Nick told us, “The view of a lone house with a tiled roof in the middle of the countryside is one of the elements that makes you feel the Japanese countryside, and is very beautiful.”

Ⓒ Irori Sanzoku (Kuga store) [Arrival time 12:30 P.M. Distance 40 km]

After cycling 22.5km from Minato Oasis Yuu Shiokaze Park, we arrived at Irori Sanzoku. Irori Sanzoku is a sightseeing spot that is crowded with many people regardless of weekdays or weekends.
This is a restaurant made with the motif of a bandit’s dwelling, and it is a flashy place as if the sanzoku are having a feast. Sanzoku means “bandits” in Japanese. They are thieves who have bases in the mountains.
Inside the restaurant, there is a place where you can enjoy yourself surrounded by trees, and a place where you can eat in the atmosphere of a traditional Japanese room, and you can choose your favorite seat.

In addition, there are various facilities in the store. There is a place where you can see how the food is cooked, and where you can cross a wooden bridge that looks like it was used by bandits. You can have a good time while waiting for your food.

This time, we ate Irori Sanzoku’s specialty, Sanzoku Onigiri (550 yen) and Sanzoku-Yaki (880 yen).
Onigiri means “rice ball” in Japanese. Sanzoku Onigiris are about three times the size of normal onigiris and are eaten with your mouth wide open. There are plenty of 3 kinds of ingredients: plum, kelp, and salmon.
Sanzoku-yaki is a skewered dish of chicken that you bite into and eat.
Feeling like sanzoku and munching on these dishes made us happy as the crude food turned into a luxury item.
Please eat it as if you were sanzoku. It will taste even better.

Nick said, “It’s a traditional Japanese festival. I really like the atmosphere. The food was delicious. I want to come again!”
It’s not a festival here, but it’s certainly a lively and fun place like a festival.

Name of facility Irori Sanzoku (Kuga store)
Regular holiday Please see business calendar on HP
Business hours 10:00 A.M. – 00:00 A.M.
Inquiry 0827-82-3115
Reservation By 5:30 P.M. 3 days before (not available on the day)
Payment method Cash only
Official HP https://www.irori-sanzoku.co.jp/#en

Now, it’s finally time to leave for Kintaikyo bridge!
On this cycling route, we passed Syuuchibashi Bridge on the way from Irori Sanzoku to Kintaikyo Bridge. This bridge is a subsidence bridge structure. A subsidence bridge is a bridge without railings that is built on the assumption that it will be submerged when the river rises

This bridge spans the Nishikigawa river. The Nishikigawa river is so clear that countless fish can be seen swimming in it when viewed from the bridge. We were very surprised by the transparency of this river, and even our hearts felt clearer.

Kintaikyo Bridge [Arrival time 3:30 P.M. Distance 58.2 km]

We parked our bicycles at the parking lot of the Yokoyama Kasenshiki Undo Park next to the Kintaikyo Bridge. Please make sure it is pinned to Google Map.

Google Map

The scenery of Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni castle town is designated as an important cultural landscape.

Nick had only seen pictures of the Kintaikyo Bridge and was very impressed to see it in real life.
Kintaikyo Bridge was built in the Edo period as a bridge to connect with the castle town when the castle was built using the Nishikikawa River as a natural moat. The current shape is the product of research on bridges that couldn’t be swept away. This is a series of five wooden bridges, and the central three have an arch structure called seri-mochi-shiki (迫持式). The two ends are called sketabashi-kouzou (桁橋構造). Kintaikyo Bridge was built in 1673 and has been washed away and replaced repeatedly, coloring the modern four seasons.
I was even more overwhelmed when I learned that the wisdom of the ancients was expressed in a form and that the form is still being preserved.

Name of facility Kintaikyo Bridge
Usage fee
Kintaikyo Bridge only
Adults Individual 310 yen・group 260 yen
Children under 12 Individual 150 yen・group 120 yen
Set ticket(Kintaikyo Bridge・Iwakuni Castle Ropeway・Iwakuni Castle)
Adults Individual 970 yen・Group 760 yen
Children under 12 Individual 460 yen・Group 350 yen

※Groups of 15 or more people

Business hours Toll gate business hours 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
During tourist season ~ 6:00 P.M.
Summer season ~ 7:00 P.M.

Accessible 24 hours a day
(The lights are turned off from 10:00 P.M. When there is no one at the toll gate, put the toll in the night toll box and cross over. )

Inquiry 0827-29-5107
Official HP https://kintaikyo.iwakuni-city.net/en/

Kikko Shrine

Please check the location of Kikko Shrine pinned on Google Map.

Google Map

In the castle town area from Kintaikyo Bridge to Iwakuni Castle, there is a shrine that enshrines the ancestors of the Yoshikawa clan, who ruled Iwakuni during the Edo period. This shrine is called Kikko Shrine and is designated as a national important cultural property. There was a splendid gate and main hall that can be seen in period dramas, and it was very solemn.

Name of facility Kikko Shrine
Usage fee Free
Business hours 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Inquiry 0827-41-0600
Official HP https://kankou.iwakuni-city.net/itn/kikko-shrine

Iwakuni Castle

Please check the location of Iwakuni Castle pinned on Google Map.

Google Map

There are two ways to get to Iwakuni Castle: the promenade and the ropeway. This time we went near Iwakuni Castle by ropeway!
From the ropeway, we saw the Nishikigawa River far into the distance, and the beautiful scenery.

Name of facility Iwakuni Castle Ropeway
Usage fee
Iwakuni Castle Ropeway only
Adults Round trip 560 yen・One way 330 yen
Children under 12  Round trip 260 yen・One way 150 yen
Set ticket (Kintaikyo Bridge・Iwakuni Castle Ropeway・Iwakuni Castle)
Adults Individual 970 yen・Group 760 yen
Children under 12 Individual 460 yen・Group 350 yen

※Groups of 15 or more people

Ⅾriving time 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Every hour 0, 15, 30, 45 minutes departure
Capacity About 30 people
Required time About 3 minutes
Inquiry 0827-41-1477
Official HP https://kankou.iwakuni-city.net/itn/ropeway

After getting off the ropeway, there is a walking course of about 10 minutes. There is a very quiet atmosphere in this place with trees and sunlight filtering through the trees. It is a sidewalk where samurai and lords are likely to walk from the other side at any moment.
It was a calm space, so we wanted to walk slowly and enjoy it, but we were excited to see Iwakuni Castle as soon as possible, so we walked fast.

We arrived at Iwakuni Castle!
Iwakuni Castle, majestically built on top of Iwakuni’s mountain, is like the protector of Iwakuni city.

Iwakuni Castle was built in 1608 by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni Domain. The current castle tower was rebuilt in 1962.
Inside the castle, there are various exhibits such as weapons and armor, the history of Kintaikyo Bridge and miniature models. Among them, many swords are displayed, so it is a happy space for sword fans.
There are explanations in Japanese and English next to the exhibits. There is also an English pamphlet, so foreigners can feel free to stop by.

From the castle tower, we can see Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport, the departure point, and the Kintaikyo Bridge that we just crossed. In addition, you can overlook the Seto Inland Sea that connects Nishikigawa River and Nishikigawa River.
The shape of Nishikigawa River, which runs through the center of Iwakuni City, made the view from the castle tower all the more impressive. After cycling, we enjoyed a sense of accomplishment when we saw the scenery of the city from the observatory. Nick said that “Climbing Iwakuni Castle made me very interested in the history of the Edo period. I’ve been to castles in Germany before, but I haven’t been there recently, so it was a lot of fun.”

Name of facility Iwakuni Castle
Usage fee
Iwakuni Castle only
Adults Individual 270 yen・Group 200 yen
Children under 12  Individual 120 yen・Group 90 yen
Set ticket(Kintaikyo Bridge・Iwakuni Castle Ropeway・Iwakuni Castle)
Adults Individual 970 yen・Group 760 yen
Children under 12 Individual 460 yen・Group 350 yen

※Groups of 15 or more people

Business hours 9:00 A.M. – 4:45 P.M.(Admission ~4:30 P.M.)
Inquiry 0827-41-1477
Official HP https://kankou.iwakuni-city.net/itn/iwakuni-castle

In the end…

Through cycling, Nick said, “It was really fun. I feel a sense of accomplishment while experiencing the history and culture of Japan while feeling nature. Another fun factor was being able to get to know cycling members better by going around the cycling course with them. I want to come back for cycling again.”
You can discover the charm of Iwakuni City from two aspects: nature such as the seaside, mountains, and rivers, and history and culture such as Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni Castle. It is a course full of a sense of accomplishment that you can fully enjoy around Iwakuni City in one day.
Please come to Iwakuni City and try cycling.

Additional Information

About bringing a bicycle on an airplane by ANA

Bicycles should be treated like regular luggage. However, if the sum of the three sides exceeds 203 cm = 80 inches, please contact ANA by phone in advance.
※We Introduce ANA’s method among airlines.



Iwakuni Castle Town Area

In the Iwakuni Castle Town area, there are many facilities other than Kintaikyo Bridge that were not introduced in the video.
Here, beautiful trees are dotted with historical buildings, creating a fascinating Japanese garden.
There are parks with fountains and benches, and there are places where not only tourists but also many citizens gather.
After cycling, let yourself be soothed by the scenery of Japan.

There are also various food stalls such as soft ice cream and traditional croquettes.
During this cycling trip, we ate soft ice cream from Sasakiya Kojiro Shoten.
This store has a Japanese clerk who can speak English. There is also an English version of the menu, so even foreigners can order with confidence.
Sweets after cycling is one of the real pleasures of enjoying a sense of accomplishment. The sweetness permeates your body even more than the soft ice cream cones you usually eat.

Transfer from Kintaikyo brigde

For reference, here are two recommended routes from Kintaikyo Bridge.


Shin-Iwakuni Station is about 20 minutes by bicycle from Kintaikyo Bridge. This is a station where the Shinkansen stops, making it a great place to get to your next destination.

How to get from Kintaikyo brigde to Shin-Iwakuni Station ↓


We will introduce a course where you can enjoy Suo-Oshima from Kintaikyo Bridge. Suo-Oshima is also a place surrounded by nature such as the sea and mountains, so please give it a try. The destination is the Roadside station Sazanseto on Suo-Oshima.

How to get from Kintaikyo brigde to Roadside Station Sazanseto Towa ↓

The following link takes you to a video that goes around Suo-Oshima from Roadside station Sazanseto, so be sure to check it out.
Click here for the video↓

