山大生のサイクリング旅日記「第5回・周防大島編」「第6回・下関・長門篇」「第7回・岩国篇」を公開しました。 ”Cycling Trip Diary for Travelers” is now available for viewing. ”給旅行者的自行車旅程日””已發布。
We are cooperating with the Faculty of Global Science and Studies at Yamaguchi University, to spread the original attractions of various area of Yamaguchi Prefecture and provide information on how to enjoy Cycling here in Yamaguchi in three languages; English, traditional Chinese and Japanese.
We’ve just released the videos and articles about the cycling in Suo-Oshima Town, Shimonoseki City & Nagato City and Iwakuni City, which have popular attractions and landscapes in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
The videos and articles can be found in the link below, so please check it out, if you are interested in the cycling in Yamaguchi Prefecture.